Pasien AS perlu makanan sehat anti radang

Jenis makanan dan minuman Anti Radang khusus pasien AS dan makanan pantangan dapat di baca pada buku AS jilid 2 Bab 19.

Perlunya Relasi yang Harmonis dengan Pasangan atau Anggota Keluarga lainnya

Hidup damai dan minim konflik akan membuat pasien AS lebih jarang mengalami rasa nyeri. Hidup sering bertengkar dan penuh konflik membuat tubuh menghasilkan hormon kortisol (hormon stress) yang memicu timbulnya stress dan menjadi jalan untuk AS menjadi kambuh dan bertambah nyeri.

Berolahraga yang Cukup dan Benar

Berenang, Senam AS, Yoga, Pilates, Bersepeda Statis, Jalan Kaki serta olahraga Low Impact lainnya merupakan olahraga yang baik bagi Pasien AS. Diskusikan dengan dokter yang merawat Anda.

Gaya Hidup Aktif Fisik dan Mental

Masalah utama dalam AS adalah rasa nyeri dan kekakuan tubuh. Gaya Hidup aktif secara fisik dan mental akan membantu tubuh dalam memerangi AS. Menjaga postur tubuh yang baik dan tegak akan membantu pasien AS hidup dengan pikiran lebih positif dan berkualitas.

Porsi Sayur Segar dan Buah Segar lebih banyak daripada Karbohidrat

Karbohidrat diperlukan untuk energi. Tapi menurut penelitian dr. Alan Ebringer, komposisi karbohidrat tinggi dalam diet akan memicu timbulnya peradangan yang lebih aktif. Karena karbohidrat merupakan makanan utama bakteri klebsiella yang merupakan salah satu dari banyak pemicu timbulnya peradangan dalam AS.

9 Exercise and Posture Tips for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Exercise may be the last thing on your mind when you have ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Pain, stiffness, and discomfort can make it difficult to move around. But did you know that once you get started and make exercise a part of your daily life, it can actually improve your symptoms? Here are 9 tips to make exercise work for you.

1. Talk With Your Health Care Provider
Make sure you get the OK to exercise before starting a new program. Talk with your health care provider or physical therapist about what’s appropriate for you. Ask your health professional which exercises you should do, and ask him or her to check that you’re doing them right.

2. Find Time
Get to know your body and focus on the exercises you need most—whether that’s strengthening or stretching. You may benefit from a combination of the two. Try exercising at different times of the day to find the time that’s best for your body.

3. Get Comfortable
Find a soft spot where you can perform your workout, such as a carpeted floor or an exercise mat. These provide cushion and protection for your spine. A firm bed works, too. A mattress that’s too soft may not provide you enough support when you’re doing your exercises.

4. Assess Your Pain
When starting an exercise program, it’s normal to feel some discomfort or mild pain. But you can also overdo it. Start slowly with a low number of repetitions and work up to more week after week. If your pain increases after exercise, you may have pushed yourself too hard. Try fewer repetitions next time.

5. Vary Your Workouts
Create a program that combines strengthening and stretching exercises. Strengthening exercises build the muscles that support your joints. Stretching exercises improve movement and flexibility, and reduce stiffness. If you have pain in your spine, exercises that stretch and extend your back can help.

6. Hit the Water
Many people with AS enjoy exercising in water. If you’ve had trouble sticking to an exercise plan due to discomfort, see if water workouts feel better for you. You may enjoy swimming laps or taking a water aerobics class. Just be sure not to push yourself too hard.

7. Focus on Your Posture All Day
Think tall all day. To make sure your posture is in check, keep your head up so it’s directly over your torso. Pull your chin back slightly, so it’s parallel to the floor. Keep this in mind whether you’re sitting, standing, walking, or exercising.

8. Use the Wall
Try this posture-improving move: Stand with your back against a wall. Walk forward, so that your heels are about 4 inches away from the wall. Then, lean backward until your buttocks and shoulders are very lightly touching the wall. Hold for 5 seconds, release, and repeat.

9. Get on the Floor
"Prone lying" promotes healthy posture. Lie face down on a firm surface like a carpeted floor. Place your head in a comfortable position, either with your forehead straight down or turned to the left or right. Hold this position for at least a minute. Work up to 20 minutes a day. If your head is facing to the right or left, turn it the opposite way halfway through.


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